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Open Heaven Daily Devotional March 30 2023.

    The theme for “Open Heaven Daily Devotional March 30 2023 is “Greatness Is In Levels

    Here is today’s Open Heaven Daily Devotional March 30 2023 designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Pastor E.A  Adeboye, meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    Open Heaven Daily Devotional March 30 2023.

    SCRIPTURE: “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.” – 1 Corinthians 15:41 (KJV).

    Many years ago, I was invited as a guest to the swearing-in ceremony of the Head of State along with some other persons. One of these other persons was excited that his invitation letter had ‘A’ written boldly on it. He explained to me that this meant he was a great person. Another had ‘AA’ on his invitation, meaning that he was considered as a more important guest than the one with just ‘A’ and would thus be seated more prominently and get more exclusive treatment. I later explained to them that there was still another level which was ‘AAA’.

    Indeed, greatness is in levels. You may feel you are great now, but there is always a higher level to get to.

    Many people get to a certain level and feel they have arrived. The unfortunate thing is that just as there are higher levels to reach, there are also lower levels that can be fallen to. Many a time, you hear of world champions, record setters – great people who were at the top of their profession, career or industry, until someone would come and break their record and set even higher standards. For example, in sports, if an athlete sets a new record, the previous record-holder is immediately referred to as an ex-champion.

    You must never feel satisfied with your former glory; always seek to break your previous records and set higher ones. I was once a boxer; becoming a boxing champion is great, but every boxer will tell you that to remain a champion is harder than becoming one, because everyone wants to challenge the fellow, to turn him or her into an ex- champion. This is why a champion needs to work harder to retain his or her position at the top. The moment you relax, you begin to regress.

    You need more of what made you become a champion to remain one. When I turned 80 years old last year, many people thought I would relax. I told them Moses started his ministry at the age of 80; I too have only just begun.

    Anyone who stops working hard, praying fervently and being generally diligent would soon realise that he or she is going back instead of forward.

    Open Heaven 30 March 2023 ACTION POINT:

    Keep pressing forward toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


    Credit for today’s Open Heaven daily devotional March 30 2023: Open Heaven/