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    NICK VUJICIC MOTIVATIONAL BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO PERSEVERE : The Australian  Limbless motivational Speaker Nick Vujicic says, it’s interesting how many times someone says, “You know, your boat needs an anchor in the storm.” Well, first of all, if you’re caught in a storm in a boat and you’re moving somewhere, the last thing you want to do is put the anchor down. Now if you’re at shore, you need that anchor to make sure that you don’t wash up on shore. Does that make sense? But when you’re going through a storm, it feels like it’s a


    We were going, we had routine, we had rhythm, we had plans, we were doing our 7-day routine. We go to church on Sunday. Now we’re watching church in our pjs. What’s up with that? And everyone understands that this is just a new norm for now. We hope that COVID passes, but right now when we look at COVID saying that that will pass. This isn’t the first storm we’ve ever had, and the Christians again and again and again, who are brought up in the Bible come to the faithfulness of God as they have persevered. Every storm that comes has come to pass, and right now it feels like we can’t just, even though the world has stopped, we feel the move and the urge to keep on going, and what I want to think of is our life as a boat. You know when the wind changes, and the waves toss and turn like crazy; it’s pivoting our sails in a different direction so that we stay on course.


    What’s really amazing to me pastor nick said is that, what COVID-19 has done is really reveal the stripping away of what we considered as normal, to really reveal how much we need God, how much we need him every day, and I don’t know about you, and this message is not really for those of you who don’t know God, It’s more of an encouragement for those of you who do know of God, and I want to read from James Chapter 1 to encourage you in your walk with God


    To really have a thorough look and self-reflection of our health, in our spiritual health, our walk with God Well, first of all, the Bible says, about 366 times, so one for each day in a leap year as well, “Fear what? Fear not.” FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) we walk by not by sight, not by feeling, we walk by faith, FAITH (Full Assurance In The Heart) knowing that God will never allow his servants or his children to die of starvation. We know that God is a provider. We know that God’s grace is sufficient, We know that trials and tribulations will come, and we don’t have to be surprised! Are we really, really surprised?


    From a spiritual point we must hold on to the fact that we shouldn’t be surprised. Who would have thought that a virus could put everyone at a standstill? Pastor Nick Vujicic wants us to hold on to God in trying times, he wants us to remember always that Gods grace is more than sufficient for us in all situations.


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