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Home » Natural Disasters that are Coming – Perry Stone

Natural Disasters that are Coming – Perry Stone

    Natural Disasters that are Coming Perry Stone : Perry Stone Ministries shares this message by Pastor Perry titled “Natural Disasters that are Coming” which we are bringing to you to listen to and meditate on. The founder of Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries has transformed many lives in America through his teachings and way of life.

    He said he was really shocked this past summer to see the flooding that took place in China and also throughout Europe literally. Cars being picked up and taken down the street by rivers. Perry said it almost looked like the flood of Noah was starting all over again. At the same time on the western coast of the United States was one of the most severe droughts that had taken place in many many years … Lake Mead which is a water source for about seven different states in the western area and Midwestern area of the United States was at a dangerously low level.

    Watch and learn from this message by Pastor Perry Stone “Natural Disasters that are Coming” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

    Source : Perry Stone Youtube