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MFM Daily Devotional October 12 2022

    MFM Daily Devotional October 12 2022

    THEME: How To Become God’s Oracle

    SCRIPTURE: – Psalms 147:19 “He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel.”

    Becoming an oracle of God should be the desire of every Kingdom-minded and heaven-focused Christian. Only mature and spiritual deep Christians succeed in becoming God’s oracle. However, other believers who are willing to pay the price for becoming God’s oracle can attain the glorious status.

    Who is an oracle of God?

    An oracle of God is a believer whose word matter in heaven and in hell. Paul was a good example. The evil spirit that attacked sons of Sceva said to them, “And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?” (Acts 19:15).

    Second, an oracle of God is the mouthpiece of God or God’s spokesperson. Prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah were all mouthpieces of the Almighty God. In addition, you are God’s oracle when God’s word is as powerful in your mouth as it is in the mouth of God Himself. You are also God’s oracle when you do not speak your own words but those vomited to your spirit by the Spirit of God.

    Moreover, you are God’s oracle when you speak as God’s prophet and issue divine utterances. Finally, you are God’s oracle when you become a voice like heaven. John the Baptist called himself a voice.

    God has vacancy for men and women who will serve as His mouthpieces or oracles in these last days. If you are interested in becoming an oracle of God, the following are the qualifications you should possess: (1) You must repent of all known sins and be born again. (2) You must be holy within and without. (3) You must be an addict of God’s word and prayer (4) You must make your heart right with God. (5) You must not use your mouth for vanity (6) You must not entangle yourself with worldly affairs. (7) You must be free from all demonic influences.

    Beloved, the reward attached to being God’s oracle is huge. I pray that God will give you the grace to pay the price for becoming His oracle in this generation, in the name of Jesus.



    1. My Father, by Your mercy, make me Your oracle in these last days, in the name of Jesus.
    2. The spirit of revelation and prophecy, fall upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.
    3. Father, make me a voice like John the Baptist, in the name of Jesus.


    1. I receive the grace to pay the price to become Your oracle, in the name of Jesus.
    2. Father, make me an addict of Your word and prayer, in the name of Jesus.
    3. Spirit of wisdom, come upon me, in the name of Jesus.
    4. Father, give me surpassing dominion and authority, in the name of Jesus.


    Credit for today’s Mountain of fire‘s daily devotional October 12 2022: Mountain of Fire Ministries/Mountain of Fire