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Home » Keep It Moving: The Fear Factor – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Keep It Moving: The Fear Factor – Bishop T.D. Jakes

    Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon Keep It Moving :The Fear Factor : The lead pastor of Potter’s House Church and the founder of TD Jakes Ministries , Bishop TD Jakes has shared this wonderful, amazing, inspiring and educative sermon titled ”Keep It Moving: The Fear Factor”.

    This is a highly insightful and motivational message by Bishop TD Jakes that you cannot afford to miss.

    Preaching on this sermon, Bishop TD Jakes said, Often, we look to God and think: “God if you love us, why would you put us in adverse conditions?” Unfortunately, we can’t GROW if we don’t continue to GO. Some of us don’t want to go because we appreciate images more than reality. Fear not only affects our body and mind it causes us to reject fruitful collaborations and opportunities to advance. Triggers of heartbreak, disappointment, and lost opportunity can cause fear to set in; however, what God has planned will only work if we keep it moving. We must use the tools God has equipped us with and MOVE. The miracle is in our movement!

    Kindly watch/listen to this wonderful sermon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Video credit : TD Jakes Youtube