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    JOYCE MEYER SERMON HOW OUR WORDS AFFECT US : Pastor Joyce Meyer said, I’ve kind of learned by experience that I can increase or decrease my own joy just by how I talk, you can just talk yourself into being miserable or you can actually help yourself and make yourself better. Its sad how so many people know so little about the power of words and how their words not only affect the people around them but how they affect themselves and also how our words affect our future.

    Pastor Joyce Meyer said, I believe that we can kill God’s good plan for our life just by continual wrong talking, we all say things that are wrong and thank God for mercy and he covers us in our mistakes and we can be forgiven but to just be a negative person who always finds the fault and the flaw in everything and always finds what’s wrong with people, is going to leave you very sour and unhappy and it’s going to really hurt your future.

    I’ll tell you one thing that i never want to be is so satisfied to the point where i don’t think that i need to change anymore, now anytime that God shows me a fault or a flaw in my life, it does not condemn me and i want to encourage you when God shows you things that are wrong in your life or your behavior or when he chastises you for something, do not let it condemn you, conviction from the holy spirit is a totally different thing than condemnation from Satan and a lot of times what we do is when the holy spirit convicts us which is a good and a positive thing.

    The bible says that God chastises those whom he loves, when God shows us that we should not do something or that something we’re doing is wrong, it’s actually an act of his love, thank God he won’t just leave you alone in your mess and let you stay the same, the worst thing that God could ever do would be just never convict us again and just leave us alone and let us stay the way that we are but it’s a big mistake when the holy spirit convicts you to then get condemned because the moment that you get condemned, you hinder yourself from any kind of change or spiritual growth.

    Pastor Joyce Meyer wants us to know that anything she says today is not under condemnation, when God deals with me about things like this, i just take it like well, I must need this and there’s some areas in our life that we will have to hear over and over and over and over until Jesus comes back to get us and one of those things is our mind, another one is the mouth and another one is attitude She advises us to get better, get a little happier.