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Home » Joyce Meyer Daily Devotionals July 13 2023: Enjoying Harmonious and Peaceful Relationships.

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotionals July 13 2023: Enjoying Harmonious and Peaceful Relationships.

    The Theme for Joyce Meyer Daily Devotionals July 13 2023 is ”Navigating Godly Relationships”

    SCRIPTURE: And you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.— Exodus 14:14 (AMPC)

    We were created to live in the love and enjoyment of harmonious relationships, free from dissension, confusion, and emotional trauma. God wants our lives to be free from division; He wants us to live in peace with each other, yet such a life often eludes many people. Instead, conflict wreaks havoc in their lives, leaving them wounded and alienated from one another.

    But we can be thankful that Jesus gives us His peace. We don’t have to live with broken, conflict-filled relationships. We can “hold our peace” in every situation. Psalm 34:14 says we can crave peace and pursue it, and Matthew 5:9 says we can be makers and maintainers of peace. As we remain peaceful, God works in our behalf.

    Don’t let relationship problems plague your life any longer. Determine to end the strife and do all that you can to pursue peace. If you decide to be a peacemaker, you’ll be surprised what a difference it will make.

    Prayer of the Day: Father, help me to be a peacemaker in my relationships. I thank You that I no longer waste my time on petty arguments and foolish strife. As far as it depends on me, and with Your help, I am going to have peaceful, harmonious relationships, amen.

    Thank you for reading today’s devotional by Joyce Meyer shared by Joyce Meyer Ministries. In the spirit of Evangelism, Kindly share with others.