The theme for today’s Joyce Meyer Daily Devotionals December 16 2022 is ”Greater Faith”
Here is today’s Joyce Meyer daily devo December 16 2022 designed for your spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Joyce Meyer, meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.
Read Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional December 16 2022.
When we experience trials in life, we usually ask God to deliver us from them. We want them to go away, and that is understandable. God often does deliver us as we stand in faith, but there are also times when He chooses to take us through them, and that requires a greater faith. It is easy on our emotions when we get what we want, but it requires great faith in God and steadfastness if we don’t.
Whether God delivers us from something difficult or gives us the grace to go through it is up to Him, and we should receive His choice graciously, knowing that His way is always best. We receive strength in the struggle! When life is easy, we don’t really make spiritual progress, but when we must stand firm, we grow! We live life forward, but we understand it backward. In other words, we usually don’t understand the “why” when we must go through a thing that is difficult, but we often do understand later on in life.
Be patient with God’s choices and trust Him. His way is not our way, but it is always the best way!
Prayer of the Day: Lord, I thank You that You are my shelter in the storm. When life’s difficulties come my way, I don’t have to be afraid because You are with me. I trust that You will calm the storms in my life and bring me safely through them. Thank You that You’ll never leave me nor forsake me, amen.
Thank you for reading today’s devotional by Joyce Meyer shared by Joyce Meyer Ministries. In the spirit of Evangelism, Kindly share with others.