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Home » Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional November 29 2022.

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional November 29 2022.

    The theme for today’s Joyce Meyer daily Devotional November 29 2022 is ”Trust God’s Grace”

    Here is today’s Joyce Meyer daily devo November 29 2022 designed for your spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Joyce Meyer, meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today. 

    Read Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional November 29 2022.

    SCRIPTURE: I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain. — Galatians 2:21 (NKJV)

    I discovered years ago that every time I became frustrated it was because I was trying to do something myself, in my own strength, instead of putting my faith in God and receiving His grace (help). Receiving a revelation of God’s grace was a major breakthrough for me. I was always “trying” to do something and leaving God out of the loop. I tried to change myself and my husband and children, tried to get healed, tried to prosper, tried to make my ministry grow, and tried to change every circumstance in my life that I did not like. I was frustrated because none of my trying was producing any good results.

    God will not permit us to succeed without Him. If He did, we would take the credit that is due Him. If we could change people, we would be changing them to suit our purposes, which would steal their freedom to make their own choices. I finally learned to pray for what I thought needed to be changed and let God do it His way in His timing. When I began trusting His grace, I entered His rest. Grace is always flowing to us in every situation, but it must be received by faith.

    Prayer of the Day: Lord, please give me the understanding of Your grace that frees me from doing things in my own strength. Help me to do my part and rest in the fact that You will do the rest, amen.


    Thank you for reading today’s devotional by Joyce Meyer shared by Joyce Meyer Ministries. In the spirit of Evangelism, Kindly share with others.