The theme for today’s Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional November 1 2022 is First Place .
Here is today’s Joyce Meyer daily devo designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Joyce Meyer, meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

Read Joyce Meyer Daily Devotionals November 1 2022:
As a person who desires to hear from God, it is very important that you give God first place in your life. Until our desires for more of God are stronger than our desire for other things, the devil will have an advantage over us. Once we see the truth, he will lose his advantage, and we will be in position to make radical progress in our relationship and fellowship with God. It takes most of us a long time before we finally learn that what we need is not what God can give us, but God Himself.
If you are diligent to seek God and keep yourself from all other idols, you are honoring Him and He will honor you. He will reveal Himself to you and bless you in ways you could never have imagined. Ask yourself sincerely if there is anything or anyone in your life that you put before God. If you find there is, then simply ask God to forgive you and make an adjustment in your priorities. He is our number one priority and nothing else will work properly until we give Him the place He deserves.
Prayer of the Day: God, I love You so much and I truly desire a closer, more intimate relationship with You. Help me get my priorities straight as I diligently seek You, amen.
Submit your prayer request to Joyce Meyer today
Thank you for reading today’s Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional November 1 2022 as shared by Joyce Meyer Ministries. Please endeavor to share with others.