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Home » Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 3 2022: Get Ready for Increase

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 3 2022: Get Ready for Increase

    Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 3 2022 : 

    The Lord put the word “increase” in my spirit a little while back and I keep thinking about it. There are many areas of my life where I would delight in seeing increase, and I am sure you feel the same way. I believe God is bringing increase to our ministry this year and that we will be able to help more people. He is urging me to declare increase over my ministry, our partners, my children, Dave and myself, and our home.

    Here are just a few of the areas we can expect to increase: favor, peace, joy, laughter, knowledge of God, greater intimacy with Jesus, creativity, and productivity. Energy, enthusiasm, passion, and zeal are at the top of my list. An increase in wisdom is at the top of my list also, as well as knowledge, discernment, prudence, and discretion. You can make your own list but be sure you have Scripture to back it up. For example, if you are a giver, then declaring financial increase is scriptural (see Malachi 3:10–11).

    When we declare a thing, we are speaking out what God’s Word says. We are agreeing with God. Words have power, and we should use all of ours for a beneficial purpose rather than a useless waste of time. Be filled with expectancy for increase in all areas of your life.

    Prayer Starter: Father, I am excited about seeing increase. I want to be able to help more and more people and be equipped for every good work.

    Author : Joyce Meyer

    Source: Joyce Meyer ministries/