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Home » Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional July 4 2024 : Chosen by God

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional July 4 2024 : Chosen by God

    Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional July 4 2024 : As you join today’s teaching by Joyce Meyer, may the word of God inspire, motivate and heal you. May today’s devo by Joyce Meyer be a source of transformation and increase your knowledge of God and draw you closer to God.


    Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional July 4 2024 : Chosen by God

    Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument]….

    Jeremiah 1:5 (AMPC)
    God told Jeremiah that before He chose him to be His prophet, He knew and approved of him. To me, that means that God knew everything Jeremiah would ever do, right or wrong. He knew every mistake that Jeremiah would ever make and still He chose him.

    This truth should give each of us confidence concerning whether or not we are someone that God can use. God doesn’t choose us because of our perfection. If we love Him and are willing to let Him work with and through us, that is all He requires.

    Prayer of the Day:

    Father, I know You know everything there is to know about me and You still choose to be in relationship with me. Thank You, for choosing me in spite of my many imperfections. Help me to continually trust Your plan and help me to cooperate with You as You work through me, amen.

    Today’s words:

    God is going to get us to where we need to be as well as give us what we need. That doesn’t mean we should sit around passively. God says we should be actively waiting for and pursuing Him and preparing ourselves. That’s what I call “waiting well.”

    You may have situations that look like they’ll never work out. If you only consider the circumstances, you’ll get discouraged and give up. Don’t consider your circumstances; consider your God.

    Be diligent. The Scripture says, “Give no place to the enemy.” That means, don’t give him any room. Don’t give him any place in your thinking.

    Even when we feel weak, when we feel like we don’t have the faith, God is using that struggle in ways we can’t see. It’s not working against you; it’s working for you. It’s getting you prepared for something amazing that’s coming.

    Check out this sermon by Joyce Meyer :

    Video credit : Joyce Meyer Youtube


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