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Joyce Meyer: Burnt But Not Bitter – Part 2

    Joyce Meyer Burnt But Not Bitter – Part 2 : Today, we are happy to share with you the latest episode of Enjoying Everyday Life By Joyce Meyer titled ”Burnt But Not Bitter – Part 2”, while assuring you that this is an educative sermon highly recommended for your spiritual growth and enhancement.

    In this insightful blog post, Joyce Meyer delves deeper into the teaching on being burned but not bitter. She emphasizes that we can endure difficult times and still maintain a positive character towards others. It’s crucial not to be deceived by the devil into thinking that we haven’t truly forgiven someone just because we don’t feel any different. Our emotions are not indicative of forgiveness. Instead, we should choose to live free from anger and offense, and witness the transformational work that God does in our lives.

    The reason God honors us when we choose forgiveness is that He understands the difficulty of the process. When we allow Him to be our vindicator, no one can escape the consequences of hurting us. God ensures justice is served and rewards us according to His perfect timing. However, we must follow His ways and His timing for this to happen.

    Hebrews 12:15 reminds us of the importance of supporting one another in the body of Christ. We have a responsibility to help each other secure grace so that we don’t become bitter when we are mistreated or hurt. It is essential to exercise wisdom in our relationships, especially when friends or acquaintances share their grievances and frustrations. Rather than encouraging and dwelling on negativity, we should redirect their focus and help them understand that dwelling on the past is a waste of time and energy.

    When we allow these negative stories and emotions to infiltrate our hearts, we unknowingly develop negative attitudes towards people who haven’t even harmed us directly. To navigate life successfully, we must cultivate a sweet attitude, knowing that challenges will arise. Life won’t always be easy, but with the right perspective, we can find joy in our daily lives. It is crucial to live in the abundant life that Jesus has made available to us through His sacrifice on the cross. Carrying bitterness in our hearts obstructs us from fully experiencing the greatness and blessings that God intends for us.

    I encourage you to watch Joyce Meyer’s inspiring message titled “Burnt But Not Bitter – Part 2” and gain further insights from her teachings. At, we strive to bring you the latest messages from pastors across the United States of America, providing you with nourishment for your spiritual growth.

    Watch Joyce Meyer Sermon ” Burnt But Not Bitter – Part 2” Enjoying Everyday Life.

    Video Credit : Joyce Meyer Ministries Youtube