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Joseph Prince sermon The Key To Seeing Godly Results

    Joseph Prince sermon The Key To Seeing Godly Results: How can I tell when the Spirit of God is leading me?” Actually, the Spirit has led you! The fact that you are here today, means that you were led. You might think that: “I just have a desire to come to church today. No, the Spirit of God led you, many of us who learn the lessons of being led think that we are only being led then.

    No, many of us are being led! The fact that we have come to believe in Christ is because the Holy Spirit led us to Him, Now we all heard the saying, “The Spirit of God leads us with peace.” In John 14:26, it says: “The Helper,” “the Holy Spirit (that Jesus sent), whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things.”

    “All things” is not just spiritual things, it’s things that got to do with parenting, that got to do with your marriage; that’s got to do with your career and your business.“ All things” is all things, don’t qualify It. He will teach you all things. And He will bring to your remembrance all things that I’ve said to you.”

    Many of you have experienced this already—the Holy Spirit leading you, you remembered the Holy Spirit telling you something from the Bible, or something that Pastor Prince preached. He brings to your remembrance; many of you have experienced this already!

    You may not know it, but you have experienced this, that’s the Holy Spirit in you, but how and what kind of wavelength does the Holy Spirit operate on?

    “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you,” Jesus says, “Not as the world gives do I give to you. So the world gives some sort of peace, Temporary peace, you can go to a spa, for yoga, or you can go for any calming exercise.

    Its not that calming exercises are bad, and all that, but it doesn’t come to the level of the peace Jesus gives, Jesus gives the peace that the world cannot give. The world must give you the peace only when you are in that environment. Once you leave the environment, it’s all outward.

    Jesus gives the peace that is inward, the world’s is temporal peace, but your peace is abiding. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. So, you’ll see in the context here that the Holy Spirit teaches on the wavelength of peace.

    The Holy Spirit will remind you of things on the wavelength of peace, so, peace should be our natural habitat, Peace should be our default mode, there’s a teaching that says, when you feel the peace, then you follow, when you feel the peace, this is the way, and then you follow.”

    Pastor Joseph Prince I believe that the Christian’s natural default mode, his modus operandi, his spiritual and natural state as a believer is peace, You should be at peace at all times. Its not a peace that you feel with your emotions, you have a peace that rests more securely than on emotions, but on the unshakable Word of the living God.


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