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Joel Osteen Sermon : Peace With Yourself

    Joel Osteen Sermon Peace With Yourself : The lead pastor of Lakewood Church and the founder of Joel Osteen Ministries, Pastor Joel Osteen has come through with this amazing and highly inspiring sermon titled ”Peace with yourself”.

    This is one of the insightful  Joel Osteen on peace that you cannot afford to miss.

    Preaching on this sermon, Victoria Osteen’s husband and the father of Jonathan and Alexandra Osteen, Pastor Joel Osteen said, Do you like who you are? The strengths and the weaknesses? Joel wants to help you get a new perspective of yourself and how God sees you. He loves you and approves of you just the way you are. You can learn to be at peace with who you are, even while you’re in the process of improving.

    Some inspiring Joel Osteen Quotes

    We’ve all made mistakes, gone our own ways. But God, who is rich in mercy when we turn our backs on Him, doesn’t turn His back on us. He stoops down to the messy places, to where we failed, to where we should have been finished and He brings us back.

    The Scripture says, “A good person falls seven times but gets back up again.” You have “come back” power. God wouldn’t have allowed the adversity if it was going to finish you off. It’s just another step on the way to your destiny.

    When it comes to what God says, you have to have the boldness to believe it.

    Walk in your anointing. You don’t have to keep up with other people. That’s a never-ending cycle. Get off that treadmill. You have nothing to prove. You’re not competing with them; you’re competing with yourself. Be the best that you can be.

    When life tries to push you down, step on you, take your health, squash your dreams, you have to get back up again. Outlast what’s trying to defeat you. The power in you is greater than any power that’s trying to stop you.

    Who you are is a child of the Most High God. You were created to be free. Let that come alive on the inside. Let those words of faith ignite the freedom in your spirit.

    Kindly watch/listen, meditate on , learn from this Pastor Joel Osteen sermon ”I Declare” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart, grant you all your heart desires and give you the grace to live in accordance with his words.

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    Watch Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon ”Peace With Yourself”

    Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube