Joel Osteen Sermon It Has To Go Back : Here is another life changing message by the lead pastor of Lakewood Church and founder of Joel Osteen Ministries, Pastor Joel Osteen and it is a sermon filled with lessons that you cannot afford to miss.
Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joel Osteen said, What you’re up against may seem permanent, but you have to remember, God has the final say. This is not how your story ends. The trouble may have formed, but it’s not going to prosper.
When you’re down, when you’re discouraged, God is not going to leave you there. He’ll always have someone to help lift you back up.
God has given us different personalities, different gifts, different temperaments. Sometimes we’re fighting who we are, trying to be like someone else. You have to accept who God has made you to be.
Everyone needs someone that will stand in the gap, that will believe for them when they can’t believe for themselves. Someone that will cover them with mercy, not judge them, not condemn them, but will help love them back into wholeness.
Don’t accept defeat. Don’t let mediocrity, addictions, dysfunction become normal. Start declaring what God says about you, start expecting His favor, start thanking Him when there’s no sign of it, praising when nothing is turning around. That’s what faith is all about.
It will be noted that Lakewood Church has grown tremendously under the leadership of Pastor Joel Osteen, making it one of the largest Mega Churches in the US.
Pastor Joel Osteen his wife pastor Victoria Osteen amnd the team of Pastors and preachers of Lakewood Church have contributed immensely in the spiritual growth and development of thousands of people worldwide.
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Watch Joel Osteen Sermon ” It Has To Go Back”
Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube