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Sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen : Closed Doors Can’t Stop You

    Joel Osteen Sermon Closed Doors Can’t Stop You : Here is another special and inspiring sermon of encouragement by Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church titled ”Closed Doors can’t stop you”.

    Thi is a motivational and spirit lifting message by Joel Osteen that you would love to listen to.

    Preaching on this sermon, the lead pastor of Lakewood Church, Pastor Joel Osteen started by saying that No closed door can keep you from your destiny. You may not see how it could work out, but God is not limited by what’s limiting you. Stay in faith. He’s going to make a way where there is no way.

    Joel Osteen’s sermon “Closed Doors Can’t Stop You” is a powerful message about overcoming obstacles and moving forward in life. Oftentimes, we encounter closed doors in our lives, whether it be in our careers, relationships, or personal pursuits. These closed doors can be discouraging and make us feel like we have hit a dead end. However, Joel Osteen reminds us that closed doors cannot stop us from achieving our dreams and fulfilling our purpose.

    One of the main points of Joel Osteen’s sermon is that closed doors are not always a bad thing. In fact, they can be a blessing in disguise. Sometimes, closed doors are a sign that we need to change our direction or adjust our plans. They can also be an opportunity for us to learn and grow, and to develop new skills and strengths that we can use to pursue our goals in a different way.

    Another important message in Joel Osteen’s sermon is that we should not let closed doors define us or limit us. We may face rejection, setbacks, and failures, but we should not give up on our dreams. Instead, we should keep pushing forward and have faith that we will eventually find the open doors that lead to our success. Joel Osteen encourages us to focus on our strengths and to keep a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.

    Joel Osteen also reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. God is always with us, guiding us and supporting us through every challenge. We can turn to God for strength and comfort, and trust that He has a plan for our lives. Even when we face closed doors, we can have faith that God is working behind the scenes to bring about good things in our lives.

    In conclusion, Joel Osteen’s sermon “Closed Doors Can’t Stop You” is a message of hope and encouragement for anyone who has faced closed doors in their life. It reminds us that closed doors are not the end of the road, but rather a new beginning. With faith, determination, and a positive attitude, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our dreams.

    kindly watch and learn from this ”Joel Osteen Sermon Closed Doors can’t stop you” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon 2023 ”Closed doors can’t stop you”

    Video Credit : Joel Osteen Youtube

    Watch All Joel Osteen Sermon 2023 here



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