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Joel Osteen Sermon : A Healthy Soul

    Joel Osteen Sermon A Healthy Soul : The lead pastor of Lakewood Church and the founder of Joel Osteen Ministries, Pastor Joel Osteen has shared this spirit building sermon titled ”A healthy Soul”

    This is indeed a sermon by Joel Osteen filled with life helpful lessons and messages that you cannot afford to miss.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joel Osteen said, When your soul is healthy, God’s grace will cause you to flourish. Let go of the bitterness, guilt and worry, and get ready for God to do something new in your life.

    Joel Osteen’s sermon “A Healthy Soul” is a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Osteen encourages his congregation to focus on spiritual, mental, and physical health and well-being. He explains that when all three elements are nurtured and in harmony, it creates a “whole” person that is able to live life to the fullest and experience true joy.

    Osteen stresses the importance of giving attention to the spirit first and foremost. He urges his listeners to spend time in prayer and meditation, so that they can draw closer to God and tap into His power and strength. He explains that this is the foundation of a healthy soul, and that it must be taken care of before any other area.

    Osteen then goes on to explain the importance of taking care of our mental and emotional health. He encourages his congregation to take the time to deal with their issues, to be honest about their feelings, and to do away with any negative self-talk that may be holding them back. He emphasizes that it is essential to be aware of our emotions and to strive to keep our thoughts positive.

    Finally, Osteen discusses the importance of physical health. He points out that our bodies are temples and should be treated as such. He encourages us to get adequate rest, exercise, and nutrition, and to take time for relaxation and recreation.

    kindly watch and learn from this ”Joel Osteen Sermon A Healthy Soul” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Joel Osteen Sermon A Healthy Soul

    Video Credit : Joel Osteen Youtube

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