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Home » Joel Osteen Easter Sunday Daily Devotional April 9 2023

Joel Osteen Easter Sunday Daily Devotional April 9 2023

    Joel Osteen Easter Sunday Daily Devotional April 9 2023 : Today is a beautiful and special day made by the Lord. We shall rejoice and be glad. Today marks the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, today Jesus gained victory over death, today marks the beginning of our salvation. We are therefore called upon this morning to start our day with the word of God through this Pastor Joel Osteen word for today April 9 2023 titled ”In the Dark Moment”.

    Today’s Scripture

    Matthew 27:46, NLT

    At about three o’clock, Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” 

    Today’s Word

    When Jesus was suffering on the cross for our sins, in the darkest moment He was in so much agony that He cried out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Yet He endured it all, knowing that on the other side of the dark moment was a resurrection. We would never have salvation without that dark moment. And now Jesus is seated and reigning at the right hand of the Father because He endured for our redemption.

    When you’re in a dark moment, facing difficulties you don’t understand, you have to remind yourself that the difficulty is not the end; it’s leading you to a resurrection, to a new beginning, to something that you’ve never seen. Don’t give up in the dark moment. Don’t quit believing in the dark moment. Don’t stop doing the right thing in the dark moment. Keep standing. Keep honoring God. He’s already set an end to the difficulty. You are close to a breakthrough, close to your healing, close to meeting the right person, close to victory like you’ve never seen.

    Prayer for Today

    Father, thank You that the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection has won my full redemption. Thank You that there is a reason for the dark moments, that they lead to new beginnings and resurrections. Help me to keep standing strong straight through to victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Thank you for reading today’s message Pastor Joel osteen of Lakewood Church Houston Texas as shared by Joel Osteen ministries. May your day be fruitful and joyful.