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Home » Joel Osteen daily devotionals May 10 2022 : When There’s No Way

Joel Osteen daily devotionals May 10 2022 : When There’s No Way

    Joel Osteen daily devotionals May 10 2022:

    Today’s Scripture

    Romans 4:19, NIV
    Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead–since he was about a hundred years old–and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.

    Today’s Word

    When Abraham received God’s promise that he and Sarah would have a son, all the circumstances around him said, “Your body is dead, and so is Sarah’s womb. There’s no way. It’s never happened before.” But here’s the key: He wasn’t moved by what he saw. He didn’t consider his circumstances; he considered his God. The next verse says that Abraham grew strong in faith by giving praise to God. He kept himself in an attitude of faith, of praise, of thanksgiving, always considering how big God is, until his baby boy came.

    You may have situations that look like they’ll never work out. You don’t see how your business will make it, how your health will improve, how your child will get back on course. If you only consider what you see, what you don’t have, or who’s against you, you’ll get discouraged and give up. Keep believing when you’re not seeing. Keep praising, keep giving thanks, keep declaring the promise, and He will make it happen.

    Prayer for Today

    Father, thank You that You are the Most High God, and Your power can turn impossible circumstances around and bring an abundance of favor. Thank You that I walk by faith and not by sight. I am going to keep believing, keep praising, and looking to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
    Source : Joel Osteen ministry/