Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals August 13 2022 :
Today’s Scripture
Matthew 25:40, NIV
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'”
Today’s Word
In Matthew 8, a Roman centurion, a commander of a hundred soldiers, came to Jesus asking him to heal his paralyzed servant who was suffering terribly. This influential man was standing in the gap for a servant, someone whom most people back then would have written off. He wasn’t coming for himself or a family member. When he started heading out to see Jesus, I can imagine others asked why he would go to such great lengths “for one of the least of these”–somebody whom society said had no importance.

Jesus marveled at this centurion’s faith. This man wasn’t a Jew, yet Jesus said he had more faith than all the people around them. God is not looking at how religious you are, what church you attend, or how you were raised. What gets His attention is when you’re concerned about the less fortunate. When you stand in the gap for those who don’t have the opportunity that you do, for those who have been dealt an unfair hand, God calls that great faith.
Prayer for Today
Father, thank You for all the people You have placed in my life. Thank You that whether society says they are important or not that I can stand in the gap for them and bring them to You in prayer. I believe that You are making me into a lifter of the least of these my brothers and sisters. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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Credit for Joel Osteen Today’s word August 13 2022 : Joel Osteen Ministry/