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Home » Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 5, 2024

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 5, 2024

    Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 5, 2024 ” The Forces for You” :

    Today’s Scripture
    After Herod arrested Peter, he put him in jail and handed him over to be guarded by sixteen soldiers. Herod planned to bring Peter before the people for trial after the Passover Feast.

    Acts 12:4, NCV

    Today’s Word
    King Herod was against the early church, having already killed the apostle James and now imprisoning Peter. Herod had assigned sixteen soldiers to guard Peter, chaining him between two guards and setting two guard stations and a huge iron gate at the prison entrance to make sure that he didn’t escape. As Herod assigned soldiers to hold Peter back, there will always be people and circumstances that try to keep you behind closed doors. There are forces assigned to try to stop your purpose. The good news is that the forces for you are greater than the forces against you. You may have times when you’re behind closed doors, when you feel like you’re outnumbered, when the odds are against you, but God will do as He did for Peter and open doors that no person can shut. The enemy may have put you behind a door of sickness, trouble, or addiction. You feel chained. There’s no way out. But your time is coming. God wouldn’t have let that door close if He didn’t have a way to open it.

    Prayer For Today
    “Father, thank You that You reign over kings and nations, and You reign over all the situations in my life as well. Thank You that people and circumstances do not have the final say over me. I declare that You are greater than anything that comes against me and that I am standing in faith for my door to open. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    Credit: Joel Osteen Ministries