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Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 10 2022.

    The theme for today’s Joel Osteen daily devotional November 10 2022 is “Refreshing Springs”.

    Here is today’s Joel Osteen daily devotional designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Joyce Meyer,meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    SCRIPTURE: -Psalm 84:6, NLTWhen they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs.

    When you face opposition and things don’t go your way, recognize that it’s not permanent. That’s not your final destination. Quit worrying about things that are only temporary-the betrayal, the injustice, the loneliness. That’s not your permanent home. It’s a temporary stop. The psalmist wrote of passing through the Valley of Weeping, not settling or getting stuck there. The valley is temporary; you’re passing through it.

    You may have a dream that you’ve buried and given up on. Maybe you’re going through a valley right now, something you don’t understand. Maybe you’re on a detour right now, going through something that is very discouraging. My challenge is to quit losing sleep over a temporary stop. Quit being stressed out over something that’s only for a season; it’s not permanent. You’re just passing through what will lead you to a place of refreshing springs. The right people, the right opportunities, the healing, the vindication, the restoration are headed your way. Dreams you’ve buried will be coming back to life.

    Prayer for Today

    Father, thank You that You have seen every tear I’ve shed and every dark valley I’ve walked through. Thank You that the valley is only temporary and that I just need to walk in faith through it. I believe that where You lead me will take me to refreshing springs and restoration. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
    Credit for Joel Osteen daily devotional November 10 2022 : Joel Osteen Ministry/