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Home » Joel Osteen Daily Devotional March 3 2023.

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional March 3 2023.

    The theme for today’s word by Joel Osteen  is ”It’s in the Obedience

    Here is today’s Joel Osteen daily devotional designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Joyce Meyer, meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    Read Joel Osteen Daily Devotional March 3 2023.

    SCRIPTURE: John 2:9, NIV The master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew.

    Many of the miracles Jesus performed required an act of obedience. When He turned water into wine, He told the staff at the wedding to fill up the large stone pots with water, which didn’t make sense. They could have said, “Jesus, we need wine, not water. What good is this going to do?” Without them filling the waterpots, without their obedience, there wouldn’t have been a miracle.

    Is God asking you to step out in faith into a brand-new venture, to forgive someone who did you wrong, or to pray for others who need healing when you’re not feeling well? Is He asking you to fill pots with water when you need wine? It’s not so much what you’re doing; it’s the obedience. God sees your obedience. He sees you believing and stretching forward when you could be discouraged. When you prove to God that you’re going to do the right thing even when it’s hard, even when it doesn’t make sense, you’re going to see God do awesome things in your life.

    Prayer for Today

    Father, thank You that You are a miracle-working God. Thank You for calling me to be faithful and obedient when things aren’t changing and when I don’t understand. I believe that the wine is coming, that I am going to see You do something awesome. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Credit for Joel Osteen daily devotional March 3 2023 : Joel Osteen Ministry/