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Home » Joel Osteen Daily Devotional July 11 2023

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional July 11 2023

    The theme for today’s daily devotional by Pastor Joel Osteen is ”Shoes of Peace” and it is a message specifically designed for our today’s spiritual nourshment and groth.

    As you read today’s word by Joel Osteen, may your day be filled with blessings, favor and divine encounter with God.

    Read Joel Osteen daily devotional July 11 2023

    Today’s Scripture

    Ephesians 6:15, ESV

    …and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 

    Today’s Word

    The Scripture tells us to put on the armor of God, including the shoes of peace. I think

    God is saying, “You’re going to walk through difficulties you don’t understand. There’s going to be plenty of opportunities to live upset and afraid. But don’t worry, I’ve prepared you for what you’re going to face. I’ve armed you with peace and strength for the battle. It may not make sense, but it’s all a part of My plan.”

    Make sure you keep your shoes of peace on. Don’t fear the unknown or lose sleep over what doesn’t make sense. God has equipped you, empowered you, and anointed you. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Keep walking in faith, trusting when you don’t understand, and you’re going to walk into blessings, healing, freedom, abundance, and victory like you’ve never seen. When you trust God when it doesn’t make sense, you’re going to come into favor that doesn’t make sense—new levels of influence, new levels of joy, new levels of leadership, new levels of resources.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You for being the God of all peace and for giving me shoes of peace to walk in. Thank You that You walk with me through whatever I go through. I refuse to allow what I don’t understand to get me upset. I declare I walk in peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

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