Joel Osteen Daily Devotional January 21 2025 ”Another Chance”
Today’s Word
We all have opportunities that we’ve missed and times when we failed. We knew God’s calling was on our life. He’d given us a dream, a great spouse to love, a door had opened, but we let distractions and compromise get us off course. We look back and think, “What could I have become if I would have been more disciplined, controlled my temper, finished school, or forgiven that person?” It’s easy to live in regrets and think our life is limited because of past choices. We knew better; if only we’d done better. The good news is, God is the God of another chance. He’s full of mercy. He knew the times when you’d fail, shrink back, and compromise. When we don’t deserve it, He steps in and says, “I’m giving you another chance to have a great relationship, to accomplish the dream, to step into your purpose. It’s not too late.” You haven’t made too many mistakes. God’s calling is still on your life. He never changes His mind. He doesn’t disqualify you. Now don’t disqualify yourself. Receive His mercy.
Prayer For Today
“Father, thank You for Your mercies that are new every morning and for Your great faithfulness to me. Thank You that I can start every day new, rejoicing and expecting a great day. I declare that I will keep setting my mind for victory and the abundance of Your favor today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Check out this inspiring sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen ”Remove Infected Thinking”
Credit: Joel Osteen MInistries