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Home » Jerry Savelle Daily Devotional For Today September 5 2023.

Jerry Savelle Daily Devotional For Today September 5 2023.

    The theme for Pastor Jerry Savelle Daily Devotional for today September 5 2023 is YOUR NATURE IN CHRIST JESUS”

    “SCRIPTURE: By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4 NKJV)

    The moment a believer truly comprehends that he or she has the divine life and nature of God, that individual will start to act according to that nature and will experience the abundant life.

    Think of it this way: The nature of a turkey compels it to walk around and scavenge the ground for food. The nature of an eagle, however, is to soar through the air, feeding on the freshest of what the land and sea has to offer.

    Now, you may have great aspirations for your turkey to soar and dine like an eagle, but its nature will always cause it to waddle its way back to scavenging and making its home where it is most comfortable.

    All creatures act in accordance with their nature. Before you made Jesus your Lord, you had a sinful nature that came with a tendency for sin and immoral desires. However, when you were born again, you were given a completely new and divine nature. The life and nature of Jesus Christ now resides within you. But the choice is yours to believe you have this nature and to act on it.

    For a Christian to act defeated is just as unnatural as it is for an eagle to scrounge like a turkey. Defeat is not part of your nature in Christ Jesus. You have the nature of an overcoming winner in life!

    Confession: I have the life and nature of God. I am an overcoming winner in life. Through Jesus Christ, I have escaped the corruption that is in this world, and the Holy Spirit now gives me the life-changing revelation I need to live out the reality of these truths.

    Author: Jerry Savelle

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