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Happy 61st Birthday Pastor Joseph Prince

    Pastor Joseph Prince birthday

    Joseph Prince 61st birthday 2024:

    Today, we are invited to celebrate with the family and friends of Pastor Joseph Prince as he marks his 61st birthday.

    Pastor Joseph Prince who is the co-founder of New Creation Church was born on the 15th day of May 1963, making him 61 years old today the 15th day of May 2024.

    Pastor Prince is happily married to Wendy Prince. The couple got married in 1994 and their union is blessed with two children; a daughter named Jessica Prince and a son named Justin Prince.

    Celebrating his special 61st birthday today, Team Joseph Prince took to instagram to write:

    Today, we honor and celebrate your unwavering commitment and fearless proclamation of the gospel of grace to the ends of the earth! We thank you for unveiling the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work to us, and for constantly reminding us of the precious gift of righteousness we possess in Christ.

    As you embark on another year, may you step into a greater measure of upper room blessings! We pray that you’ll experience the Father’s love afresh and walk in a deeper level of intimacy with Him. May the Lord anoint you with fresh oil and give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

    We declare days of heaven upon the earth for you and your family, and pray for His divine provision, protection, and love to surround you, Wendy, Jessica, and Justin at every turn.

    Friends, join us below in extending your heartfelt wishes and prayers to our beloved Pastor on this special day!

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