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Good Devotional Topics

    Devotional topics are a way for us to connect with God and make our faith active. Many Christians find it helpful to choose a devotional topic for their day as a way of connecting with God on a regular basis. Here is a list of some ideas for devotional topics:

    • The Lord’s Prayer
    • Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
    • Psalm 46 (KJV)

    Section 2: Where will the blog post go? How does this section help set up what’s next in the blog post? After you write your first draft, read through it again and think about where it will go in the final product (the blog). Then make sure each section reads well on its own but also works well with other sections. For example, if there’s something you want readers to know when they get to section 3 of your post—say that getting coffee is a good way to start your day—make sure there’s something in section 2 that sets up why readers would have an interest in getting coffee! Section 3: What should this section include? Is there anything missing from this section? Should we expand or shorten it? At this point, you should have finished writing all three sections! Now let’s look at how everything fits together:

    Good Devotional Topics

    1. Contentment

    Contentment is a state of satisfaction with what you have, and it’s not the same thing as complacency. If your current situation isn’t satisfying in itself, contentment won’t come from being satisfied with it—you need to make changes to bring joy into your life.

    Contentment doesn’t mean that we’re happy with everything in our lives; it means that we are satisfied with what God has given us. It means that we do not curse our circumstances but accept them as they are and use them to fulfill His purposes (Romans 8:28). When we recognize and accept this truth, we can enjoy our earthly life while looking forward to eternity.*

    2. Renewal

    The key to renewal is to understand it as a process, not a destination. Renewal is the result of change—change in you and change in your circumstances. It’s not just about “fixing” stuff or getting things right. Rather, renewal begins with accepting that as sinners we don’t have the power to do anything on our own without God’s help; this allows us to rely on him for everything from getting out of bed in the morning to changing how we think about ourselves and others.

    When you start thinking about renewal this way, things like forgiveness (of others and of yourself), self-control over addictive behaviors or negative emotions/thoughts, and letting go of resentment toward others who have hurt you—become natural steps along the path toward true spiritual growth because they require complete trust that God will provide what you need when you need it most—even if that means waiting patiently for months at a time until he sees fit for his timing instead yours!

    3. Joy

    The topic of joy is one that has a tremendous amount of potential to make an impact in the lives of those who study it. Joy is a gift from God and can be found in many places, but it can also be difficult to obtain. The Bible tells us that “the fruit of the Spirit [is] love, joy, peace” (Galatians 5:22). Joy is also mentioned specifically as one of these fruits. Being filled with joy means that you are able to experience great happiness and contentment in your life. This does not mean being happy about everything or everyone around you; rather, it means having inner peace despite any external circumstances or situations that may cause distress or sadness.

    4. Trusting God in the Hard Times

    The Bible is full of verses that encourage us to trust God, even when it feels like the world is crashing down around us.

    • “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5–6)
    • “Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.” (Psalm 115:3)
    • “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8–9)

    5. Encouragement

    Encouragement is often thought of as a form of love, which is an accurate understanding. Encouragement can be a powerful tool in the fight against sin, depression, and just about anything else you may encounter during your day. It’s important that we provide encouragement to others because this helps us to show the love of Christ in our lives—which is what Christians are called to do!

    6. Prayer

    Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have to change our lives and the world. It is a personal connection between you and God, and it’s where you go to ask for things or thank God for what he has already given you. Prayer can be used to confess your sins, ask for forgiveness, or even as a way for you to pray about what it is exactly that you want from God in life.

    7. Overcoming Sin

    “You are of your father the devil,” Jesus said in John 8:44, “and your will is to do your father’s desires.”

    Sin is a powerful force in this world. It came about as a result of Adam’s sin (Genesis 3), and it has spread into every facet of human existence. Sin infects people with a desire to do evil; they rebel against God and act contrary to His good will for them. This tendency toward wickedness is known as original sin because it is passed on from our first parents to all their descendants (Romans 5:12). The only way that we can overcome this tendency toward sinful behavior is by receiving Christ’s forgiveness through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    8. Identity in Christ

    • How to be a good Christian
    • How to be a good friend
    • How to be a good parent
    • How to be a good employee
    • How to be a good community member
    • How to be a good neighbor (or inhabitant) of Earth.

    9. Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is a wonderful gift you can give yourself. It’s not forgetting, condoning or excusing.

    Forgiveness doesn’t mean that we should forget the wrongs others have done to us. Forgiving someone does not mean that you give up your right to justice, but it forces you to let go of any bitterness and move on with your life so they cannot continue to hurt you by keeping your attention on them. You don’t want their actions taking over your mind space, so letting go will allow you to live fully in this present moment instead of focusing on what happened yesterday or tomorrow when revenge might come around again if left unresolved.”

    10. God’s Love and Faithfulness to His Children

    As Christians, we are taught that God’s love is unconditional. This means that, despite our circumstances or performance, He does not love us any less than He does the next person. We may think this is difficult for Him to do. After all, some people seem to be better than others—they are more successful and popular; others seem to cause more trouble and take advantage of His grace; some people may even be meaner and uglier than others! But God doesn’t judge based on those things because His love is not based on these factors at all. In fact, it might be easier for us to see His unending love if we looked at examples from Scripture where someone like King Saul was rejected by God because he disobeyed him (1 Samuel 15:26–31). We could also look at Peter who denied Jesus three times before being forgiven by Him (John 21:15–19).

    In addition to seeing how easy it is for God’s children to disappoint him, we can also see how much He loves them through His promises found within scripture. For instance, many times throughout the Bible God promised something would happen if someone obeyed him or followed his instructions/commands such as when Abraham left Ur with Sarah and went out into Canaanland after hearing about this land from Jehovah through his servant Moses himself (Genesis 12:1–4). Or when Noah built an ark after receiving instructions from Jehovah before each major deluge came upon earth wiping out most life forms except those inside his boat (Genesis 6–7). Additionally, there were numerous other instances throughout history where obedience led ____(you fill in blank here) happened because these individuals obeyed what they were told including Moses parting waters so Joshua could cross into Jericho without any casualties which led up until today with modern medicine being able ____(you fill in blank again) today thanks only due obedience given earlier during the time of Moses’ rule over Israel during wilderness years

    11. Being a Christian is the most fulfilling way to live.

    Being a Christian is the most fulfilling way to live. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

    There are many things that make being a Christian hard, including:

    • sin
    • temptation
    • depression and anxiety (which are often caused by sin)

    But there are also many things that make being a Christian easy: the fact that God loves you, the knowledge of Heaven and Hell, and knowing that if you don’t live for God now then one day He will take your life from you anyway. The best thing about being a Christian is that God is always with us—even when we’re doing something sinful or even when we’re not thinking about Him at all!


    A good devotional topic can inspire you to be a better person. It can help you discover the truth about yourself and find ways to improve your life. The best way to choose a devotional topic is by asking yourself what you want to get out of it. Are there any worries or concerns that have been weighing on your mind? Do you want more time for spiritual growth? Are there any habits in need of changing? Once you figure out what’s important to you as an individual, then decide which readings will help achieve those goals!