Dr. Dharius Daniels Dreamers You Have Vision! : The lead pastor of Change Church, Dr. Dharius Daniels have come through with this educative sermon titled ” Dreamers, You Have Vision!” and it is a sermon filled with life changing and motivational messages.
In this sermon ”Dreamers, you have a vision”, Dr. Dharius Daniels talks about what it means to have a dream and what it takes to have a vision.
According to him, the unique characteristics of dreamers is that they go further, above and beyond to create their realities despite the limitations that exist.
They have a vision that overides the mundane, and with faith in God, nothing is impossible. The reason why some people don’t even understand the enthusiasm of your praise they are aware of some of the adversity you are experiencing and they are confused when it comes to how you can be so exuberant and enthusiastic when you are suffering through trials and tribulations and ups and downs but they don’t realize that you see what they don’t see.
Kindly watc/listen to this amazing sermon by Dr. Dharius Daniels sermon ”Dreamers you have vision and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart.
Video credit : Dharius Daniels Youtube