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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : When Trials Become Our Teacher | Job 2:1-13

Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : When Trials Become Our Teacher | Job 2:1-13

    Dr. David Jeremiah Sermon : When Trials Become Our Teacher : Here is another powerful teaching by the lead pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church and the founder of Turning Point Ministry, Dr. David Jeremiah titled ”When Trials Become Our Teacher”. This is a sermon filled with inspiring messages that you cannot afford to miss.

    Do you ever feel like Satan has been given special permission to torment you, and only you? That’s the backdrop to the story of Job. Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us that, ultimately, God is – and always will be – completely in control. It’s a lesson worth taking to heart.

    When Christ is everything, everything else is nothing in comparison. When we know that Christ is coming again to this earth, we cannot go on being the same people.

    If you don’t embrace God’s plan, you’ll miss the purpose for which He created you. God’s grace covers all the mistakes and wrong decisions we could ever make.

    For the followers of Jesus, there’s hope in the headlines because the headlines are accelerating our times to their God-ordained consummation.

    Kindly watch and learn from this Dr. David Jeremiah sermon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Watch dr. David Jeremiah sermon ”When Trials Become Our Teacher”

    Watch also Dr. David Jeremiah sermon ”How to prepare for death”

    Video Credit : David Jeremiah Youtube