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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Q&A About Christmas: Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

Dr. David Jeremiah Q&A About Christmas: Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

    Dr. David Jeremiah Questions and Answers About Christmas : There has been question about Christmas which many Christians find difficult getting the answers. Dr. David Jeremiah who is the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church and the founder of Turning Point Ministries has taken upon himself to provide anwers to the frequently asked questions about Christmas.

    Below are the Dr. David Jeremiah questions and answers about Christmas

    Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

    A: We don’t have the names of the Magi nor the number of their delegation, but we are told what they brought. Mary and Joseph were unlikely to forget the extravagant substances that were laid at the child’s feet. The object of their entire rigorous quest was one of worship, and worship of a God probably not their own. This Child was for everyone, and the gifts would reflect both the givers and the recipient.

    GOLD: This gift needed little explanation. Throughout the world, gold was coveted as the most precious of metals, the standard by which all other wealth was measured. That’s why gold is a royal gift symbolizing kingship. Only as partakers of divine revelation would these visitors from a pagan world be able to fall at the feet of an ordinary peasant child in a small village and acknowledge Him as King. Their background and their long travel proved their commitment. A gift of gold demonstrated hearts of sacrifice…

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    Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

    Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

    Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

    Why did the Wise Men bring gifts?

    Source : Dr. David Jeremiah Instagram