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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 19 2022 : Worship That Changes

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 19 2022 : Worship That Changes

    Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 19 2022 :

    Theme : Worship That Changes.

    Here is today’s devotionals by Dr David Jeremiah. Kindly read and meditate on these words. As you start your day with

    Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals today

    Read David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 19 2022

    But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.
    Philippians 3:7

    Before meeting Christ, Paul could best be described as a “hit man” for the Pharisees. From Jerusalem, he traveled around the area arresting Jews who had become followers of Christ, taking them to jail (or worse—Acts 22:3-5). But all that changed when he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus.

    As Paul and his associates traveled, a bright light from heaven caused Paul to fall to the ground (Acts 9:4). Falling to the ground is a posture in Scripture for worship (Revelation 1:17; 4:10; 5:8; 7:11; 19:10; 22:8). But Paul likely wasn’t worshiping; he was likely just shocked and scared. However, it became an image of what he would be doing for the rest of his life: bowing his knee to the Lord Jesus Christ in worship. He fell to the ground in literal fear, but he lived the rest of his life in reverential fear—that is, in worship. When he discovered the true object of worship, it changed his life.

    The more we worship our Triune God, the more our life will change. If it is not your practice already, worship on your knees and see how it changes your heart.

    What or whom we worship determines our behavior.
    John Murray.

    Thank You for reading today’s daily devotionals by David Jeremiah written by Dr David Jeremiah and published by Turning Point Ministry