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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 15 2022 : Sing To One Another

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 15 2022 : Sing To One Another

    Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 15 2022 : Topic : Sing To One Another: 

    We are happy to bring to you today’s David Jeremiah daily devotionals September 15 2022 as written by Dr. David Jeremiah and shared by the Turning Point Ministry.

    David Jeremiah daily devotional is a daily word of God written by the founder of Turning Point Ministry and the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, Dr. David Jeremiah. This is geared toward ensuring daily spiritual growth and development of all readers. The best way to start yourv day is to start it with God through reading and meditating on his word and prayer. As you start today with the word of God, May God through his Holy Spirit go before you and perfect all you will do today. Amen.

    Read Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals September 15 2022.

    Sing to One Another

    SEPTEMBER 15, 2022

    Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
    Ephesians 5:19

    Paul wrote two parallel verses about the use of songs and hymns for the edification of believers: Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. In Ephesians, Paul wrote, “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” But in Colossians, he used the stronger word “admonish”—“admonishing one another.” “Speaking” in Ephesians, but “admonishing” in Colossians. One thing is the same in both: “one another.” There is great power in spiritual hymns and songs that contain biblical truth. When we sing (speak) together and give attention to the words, they can instruct and admonish us just as they can when we read them in the Bible or biblically-based books.

    This is yet another reason to be a singer of spiritual songs, especially when worshiping with others. Let your heart follow the words and be shaped by them.

    A debtor to mercy alone, of covenant mercy I sing.
    Augustus M. Toplady