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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals July 11 2022 : The Right to Rule

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals July 11 2022 : The Right to Rule

    David Jeremiah Daily Devotionals July 11 2022 :

    Your kingdom come.
    Matthew 6:10

    Jesus taught His disciples to pray for God’s Kingdom to come. The disciples revealed how they understood God’s Kingdom when they asked Jesus, after His resurrection, if He was going to “restore the kingdom to Israel” (Acts 1:6). They meant a kingdom of rules and boundaries like the kingdoms of David and Solomon in the Old Testament, or the kingdom of Rome in their own day. But it was not Jesus’ intent to set up a physical kingdom at that time (Acts 1:7).

    What did Jesus mean, then, in the Lord’s Prayer when He said to pray that God’s Kingdom would come—if He didn’t intend to establish it then? He told a parable in Luke 19 about a nobleman who was given a kingdom. He wasn’t given geography; he was given rulership. And first and foremost, that is what God’s Kingdom is: God’s right to rule. Yes, it will be geographical one day in the Millennium. But for now, God’s Kingdom is within us, or in our midst (Luke 17:21).

    When you pray, pray, “Your kingdom come,” and ask God to rule in your life until He returns to rule the world.

    Before we can pray, “Thy kingdom come,” we must be willing to pray, “My kingdom go.”
    Alan Redpath

    Read-Thru-the-Bible: Ecclesiastes 5 – 8

    Author: Dr Davd Jeremiah

    Source: Turning Point Ministry/