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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional September 2 2023.

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional September 2 2023.

    The theme for today’s Dr. David Jeremiah daily devotional September 2 2023 is The Marks of Faith: Mark

    SCRIPTURE: Mark…is useful to me for ministry. -2 Timothy 4:11

    The Gospel of Mark was written by John Mark whose life was shaped by three men. First, his cousin Barnabas invited him to join him and Paul on their first missionary trip. Sadly, Mark deserted Paul and Barnabas along the way. That upset Paul, who was the second great influence on Mark’s life. Paul refused to take the young man on their next trip, and Paul’s rebuke must have stung like a rod.

    That’s when Peter stepped in. We know from trustworthy traditions that Peter took Mark under his wing, traveled with him, and used him as an interpreter. Mark listened to Peter’s stories of Christ over and over, and Mark put it all down on paper, writing his Gospel based largely on Peter’s accounts.

    God sends various people into our life. Some encourage us. Some rebuke us. Some help us recover. They all play a part in shaping us to be the person God wants us to be, and we should be thankful for them. What people have left a mark on your life?

    The kindly tutelage of Barnabas…. The stern discipline of Paul…. The influence of Peter….  The Holy Spirit may well have used all three factors…to perform his marvelous work [in Mark’s life].
    William Hendricksen

    Source: Turning Point Ministries