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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional May 8 2023.

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional May 8 2023.

    Pastor David Jeremiah in todays devotional teaches us about how the world can be unsafe and filled with tragedy. he wants us to understand also that running away is not the solution, we are stand firm in God and take action, while helping each other.

    Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional May 8 2023 Topic: No Safe Places

    SCRIPTURE: “Should such a man as I flee?Nehemiah 6:11

    In the United States, Michigan and Minnesota are the states least likely to face natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes. But they’re also two of the coldest states in America, and, of course, there are no truly safe places on this earth. We never know when a disaster will strike our community. Sometimes we know immediately that a crisis is happening—we feel the earth shake or see the lightning strike. Other times we hear sirens, receive a phone call or text, or turn on the news and see a tragic event occurred.

    Our first reaction is shock, but God’s children must quickly move into action mode. For two thousand years, Christians have been the ones running toward the need, toward the hurt, and toward the danger. When Nehemiah was threatened by his critics, he refused to flee. He stood his ground and continued the work that had to be done in the moment.

    When times of crisis come to our neighborhoods, let’s look for ways to reach out and help others. God will provide us with the strength and ability to minister to those around us in ways large and small.

    God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.
    Billy Graham