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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional August 19 2023.

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional August 19 2023.

    The theme for Dr. David Jeremiah daily devotional for today August 19 2023 is ”Forgiving Others” and it is a message highly recommended for today’s spiritual growth and upliftment.

    SCRIPTURE: It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.-Luke 15:32

    Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son is one of the most famous stories in world literature. It is a multifaceted, lengthy story composed by Jesus with both personal and national implications. But at the heart of the story—applied to both individuals and the nation of Israel—is one theme: forgiveness.

    A well-to-do man had two sons. The younger demanded his father give him the share of the estate that he would one day inherit. This would have been a great offense to the head of a home in that culture. But the father complied. The son took his inheritance, wasted it in riotous living, and returned home in shame. And what did the father do? He welcomed his son home, forgiving him for the error of his ways. And the father begged the older, resentful son to also forgive his brother.

    Jesus’ message: God stood ready to forgive the nation of Israel and forgive any individual who has rejected God’s ways. Let your home be a place of forgiveness for all who enter (Ephesians 4:32).

    Perhaps the most glorious word in the English language is “forgiveness.”
    Billy Graham