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Dharius Daniels Sermon: Faith After Failure

    Dharius Daniels Sermon Faith After Failure: John chapter 21 verse number one it says, afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples by the sea of galilee, it happened this way Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel from Canaan Galilee, the sons of Zebedee and two other disciples were together, I’m going out to fish Simon peter told them and they said we’ll go with you so they went out and got into the boat but that night they caught nothing, early in the morning Jesus stood on the shore but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, friends have you any fish no they answered he said well throw your net on the right side of the boat and you’ll find some, when they did they were unable to haul, the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to peter it’s the lord and as soon as Simon Peter heard him say it’s the lord, he wrapped his outer garment around him, jumped into the water, the other disciples followed in the boat towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore about a hundred yards and when they landed, they saw a fire burning coals, there with fish on it and some bread.


    Dr. Dharius Daniels said ladies and gentlemen, I can make very few guarantees in this life, but there is one that I feel very adamant about articulating and very safe in suggesting, there is one aspect of our existence that every single individual who is watching and listening to this message will ultimately and inevitably experience and it is failure. Failure can be defined as a situation or an occurrence, in which something does not work out as it should, and if anyone were to honestly audit their life, they would have to honestly admit in one area or another, i have experienced failure or I am experiencing failure where there are some outcomes that are inconsistent with our expectation.


    There are some things that we in good faith and with good measure attempted to accomplish and achieve we invested time, we invested talent and sometimes we even invested treasure only to experience an outcome that was disappointing and sometimes pushed us to the place of despair.

    We will ultimately deal with a degree and a dimension of failure, no matter how proactive we are, no matter how passionate we are no matter how prepared we intend to be. This is a relentless stalker-like reality that in one season of your life or another will chase you down, tap you on your shoulder and say sit with me a little while we will all deal with the reality of failure.

    Dr. Dharius Daniels says I got some good news, what I’m revealing or articulating about failure to help you see that failure can simply be a path to possibility. We will all have failure but whether or not failure has us it’s based on whether or not we see failure as a place or a path. The difference between those that recover, and those that don’t recover is not always their experience with failure but their view of failure. Hence Dr. Dharius has advised us to see whatever failure we experience as a path to greatness as not as a place where we are stuck forever.


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