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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Message : In a World of Deception, Be Honest

Dr. David Jeremiah Message : In a World of Deception, Be Honest

    Dr. David Jeremiah Message In a World of Deception Be Honest : The senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church and founder of Turning Point Ministry, Dr. David Jeremiah has come through with this wonderful sermon titled ”In a World of Deception, Be Honest”.

    This is one message by Dr David Jeremiah that you cannot affort to miss.

    Speaking on this message, Dr David Jeremiah said, Jesus warns us that deception from Satan and false prophets will be rampant in the World of the End. But we can combat the deception in our world with the truth of God’s Word.

    Dr. David Jeremiah who is the husband of Donna Jeremiah and father of 4 grown children, has remianed relentlessly committed in his service in the Lord’s vineyard and has contributed immensely in the spiritual growth and development of thousands of people worldwide.

    Kindly watch and learn from this message by David Jeremiah and as you do so, may God bless his word in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Video credit : David Jeremiah Youtube