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Home » Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 6 2022 : Caution in Success

Dr. David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 6 2022 : Caution in Success

    David Jeremiah Daily Devotional April 6 2022 : 

    Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.
    Luke 10:20

    Jewish leadership often involved the number seventy. Seventy members of Jacob’s family went down to Egypt (Exodus 1:5). Moses appointed seventy elders to lead Israel (Exodus 24:9). Seventy men were anointed with the Holy Spirit to govern Israel in the wilderness (Numbers 11:25). And the Jewish ruling council—the Sanhedrin—was made up of seventy men.

    It’s not surprising, then, that Jesus chose seventy disciples to train in the ministry, sending them out two by two. They had great success and returned to the Lord exuberant about all they had seen and done, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us” (Luke 10:17).

    Jesus cautioned them against being too excited about their visible results. Sometimes we don’t see immediate fruitfulness or sudden results from our work. We’re to labor both in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2). If we’re too excited when things go well, we may become discouraged when they don’t.

    But here is something in which we can always rejoice: Our names are written in heaven!

    The Lamb’s Book of Life is the book of Jesus Christ in which are entered the names of those who have received His eternal life.
    Tim LaHaye.

    Author : Dr David Jeremiah 

    Source : Turning point ministry /