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    CREFLO DOLLAR SERMONS CONQUERING THE SPIRIT OF FEAR : Pastor Creflo Dollar teaches us from second timothy chapter one and verse seven on the topic conquering the spirit of, it says this, for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind but he has not given us the spirit of fear and certainly we can’t argue with the fear that is flooding the earth in these last days and yet this is the year that God is going to rise up and say okay it’s my turn now and as Christian people we don’t want to be in a position where we have normalized fear in our lives, we’ve accepted it and we have tolerated it something happens with your faith, when you find that you’re being controlled by fear and so you’ve got to recognize that fear is not natural and you got to recognize that it is not normal, you can’t give it a foothold in any area of your life you’ve got to understand this is Satan’s platform this is his method of operation, this is what he will use to try to get into your life and ruin it.


    Pastor Creflo Dollar said I know that you’re in the middle of a pandemic and all that kind of stuff but we will not fear, the bible says though we walk through the valleys of the shadow of death we’re not going to be afraid and you got to be careful not to allow fear to control and dominate your life so much that maybe some of the things you open the door up to is because of fear.


    In first john 4:18 flip over there, he hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, fear does knock on the door, fear does show up, what do we do and how do we respond when fear knocks on the door and when fear shows up, verse 18 says there is no fear in love because perfect love casteth out fear and so perfect love is not how perfect you love God it is how perfect God loves you, only God’s love towards us can be perfect, our love towards him can’t be perfect you know we can love God based on how God has loved us.


    The bible talks about that the fact that we love him because he first loved us, he equipped us to be able to love but the day you believe that God loves you fear will be cast out, fear can be expelled out of your life the day you remind yourself how much God loves you. so it works like this, fear knocks on the door, where sickness is concerned you answer to the door and you say God loves me therefore I’m healed, you always respond with the love of God and knowing how much God loves you.


    Pastor creflo Dollar makes us understand that knowing about the love God has for us and believing in that love is the solution to fear, it is the way we can conquer our fears.