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Creflo Dollar Sermon : The Truth Behind Mammon

    Creflo Dollar Sermon The Truth Behind Mammon : The senior pastor of World Changers church, founder of Creflo Dollar Ministries and the husband of Taffi Dollar has come through with this insightful sermon themed ” The Truth Behind Mammon”.

    Creflo Dollar is a well-known pastor, televangelist, and author who has preached many sermons on the subject of Mammon. In his sermon titled “The Truth Behind Mammon,” Dollar explains what Mammon is and why it is so dangerous. He begins by discussing the origin of the word Mammon and its meaning in the Bible. He then explains how Mammon is a spiritual force that can be used to enslave us, and how it is important to stay away from it. He also talks about how it can lead us away from God and lead us to sin.

    Dollar then discusses how Mammon works and how it can be used to control us. He explains that it can be used to deceive and mislead us, and that it can be used to manipulate and control us. He then talks about how it can be used to enslave us financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Finally, Dollar talks about how we can overcome the power of Mammon through prayer and faith. He encourages his listeners to trust in God and rely on Him for strength and guidance. Dollar provides practical advice on how to resist the temptations of Mammon and to choose God instead. This sermon provides an insightful look into the dangers of Mammon and how to protect ourselves from it.

    Preaching on this sermon topic Pastor Creflo Dollar made some fundamental points about Mammon as follows:

    Mammon is a term that is used to refer to the pursuit of wealth, money and material possessions. This term has been used in the Bible and in many Christian teachings. It is seen as a sin and it is seen as a hindrance to living a life of faith in God.

    Mammon is often seen as an enemy of God and something that should be avoided. But it is important to understand the truth behind Mammon. Mammon is not an evil force that is trying to lead us away from God. The truth is that Mammon is a part of life and it is something that can be used for good.

    Mammon can be used in a responsible way and can be used to provide for our families and to help those in need. We can use Mammon to help others, to invest in businesses, to create jobs, and to provide charity.

    Mammon can also be used to glorify God by using it to do His work. We can use it to support ministries, to fund Christian schools and to help those in need.

    Mammon can also be used to create wealth and to provide for our families. We can use it to start businesses, to invest in stocks, and to build wealth for our future generations.

    Mammon can be used in a responsible way and can be used for good. We just need to make sure that we are not allowing Mammon to become our god and that we are using it responsibly and for God’s glory.

    kindly watch & learn from this Creflo Dollar Sermon The Truth Behind Mammon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Creflo Dollar Sermon The Truth Behind Mammon

    Video Credit : Creflo Dollar Ministries Youtube