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Home » Creflo Dollar Sunday Service Sermon : The Stance of the Believer Pt 2

Creflo Dollar Sunday Service Sermon : The Stance of the Believer Pt 2

    Creflo Dollar Sermon The Stance of the Believer Pt 2 :  The senior pastor of World Changers Church Internatinal and the founder of Creflo Dollar Ministries, Pastor Creflo Dollar has comee through with this amazing sermon titled ”The Stance of the Believer Pt 2” delivered at the World Changers Church international Sunday service of January 15 2023.

    This is one of the latest and most insightful 2023 sermon by Creflo Dollar and it is a sermon you would love to listen to and learn from.

    Commenting on this sermon, The Creflo Dollar ministries wrote on youtube, ”Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding.

    kindly watch and learn from this Creflo Dollar sermon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Creflo Dollar Sermon ” The Stance of the Believer Pt 2”

    Video credit : Creflo Dollar Ministries Youtube