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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends: Transitions, Sonship, and Impartations

Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends: Transitions, Sonship, and Impartations

    Bishop TD Jakes sermon Transitions Sonship and Impartations :Here comes another wonderful message from Potter House Church. Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends have come through with this inspiring and spirit lifting message titled “Transitions, Sonship, and Impartations” where they teach that who we are and who we will be are ever cohabitating.

    They reminded us that Jacob was old and looking at his natural transition from the earth, but the announcement of his son coming caused the coin of his identity to flip, and Israel rose in the bed and strengthened himself. This message is taken from the Scripture “Genesis 48:1-4 (KJV)” and the pastors herein with TD Jakes are Pastor Joel Tudman, Pastor Venshard Dobbins, and Pastor Michael Phillips.

    Teaching further on this message via Instagram, Bishop Jakes wrote: “We are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, children of God — always on the road to who we will become. How we face the transitions of life’s journey and what we do with the impartations we receive along the way determine what we will then impart to future generations. What will your legacy be?”

    Watch and learn from this message by Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends: “Transitions, Sonship, and Impartations” as we bring the latest messages from pastors in Potters House to you.

    Credit: Bishop TD Jakes YouTube