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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes sermon : I Have Permission!

Bishop T.D. Jakes sermon : I Have Permission!

    Bishop TD Jakes sermon I Have Permission : The founder of the potters house Church Dallas and the famous author and film maker, Bishop TD Jakes has come through with this inspiring and life changing sermon titled ”I Have Permission”.

    In this sermon, Bishop Jakes said ”You have lived this life with pain after pain, trial after trial, and temptation after temptation. But take heart: You are not as alone as you feel. You have a resilience within you that keeps you from despair. You are no longer bound by this world and its problems, no longer bound by your emotions, no longer bound by “friends” who won’t encourage you. You have full permission to encourage yourself, pursue your dreams, and take back what is yours!.

    According to the pastor, we must learn how to be grateful and how to encourage ourselves. It is only when we encourage ourselves that we will be high enough to hear from God. We must encourage ourselves to be high enough to receive the good work of God.

    Watch , listen and meditate on this wonderful sermon by Bishop TD Jakes .

    Credit : TD Jakes Instagram