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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes : How to Encourage Yourself and Claim Your Own Victory

Bishop T.D. Jakes : How to Encourage Yourself and Claim Your Own Victory

    Bishop TD Jakes sermon How to Encourage Yourself : The founder of Potters House Church Dallas, Bishop TD Jakes shares this wonderful and educative message titled ”how to encourage yourself and claim your own victory”.

    In this sermon, Bishop Jakes talks about the ways and the strategies of encouraging yourself no matter the situation.

    Self encouragement is the best and most assured encouragement and we must endeavor to at all times be hopeful, positive and encouarge ourselves. This will keep us going no matter the circumstances.

    He further stated , You have lived this life with pain after pain, trial after trial, and temptation after temptation. But take heart: You are not as alone as you feel. You have a resilience within you that keeps you from despair. You are no longer bound by this world and its problems, no longer bound by your emotions, no longer bound by “friends” who won’t encourage you. You have full permission to encourage yourself, pursue your dreams, and take back what is yours!.

    Kindly watch and listen to this sermon by Bishop TD Jakes. Remain blessed as you stay tuned with us for more and latest sermons.

    Credit : Bishop T.D. Jakes Youtube