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Home » See How T.D. Jakes’ daughter Sarah celebrated him on father’s day

See How T.D. Jakes’ daughter Sarah celebrated him on father’s day

    Sarah Jakes Roberts Celebrates her father TD Jakes on Father’s day : Bishop TD Jakes daughter who is also the founder of Women Evolved and a senior pastor of ONE (Potter’s House Church), Sarah Jakes Roberts has taken to instagram to celebrate his father on father’s day.

    Sarah Jakes Roberts’ father, Bishop TD Jakes who is a man of great achievement, is the founder of TD Jakes minitries and Potter’s House Church Dallas. He is a renowned preacher, author and film maker.

    Celebrating her father, Bishop TD Jakes on father’s day, Toure Roberts’ wife, Sarah Jakes Roberts took to instagram to write : 

    This is one of my favorite photos of my papa. This is the face I see smiling back at me across a dinner table or crowded room.

    This is the smile I see when there’s something going on in the room that only he and I know. This is the smile I see when my crazy is on full display and there’s not a thing that can be done about it.

    This is the smile that makes me take a moment and thank God that I didn’t just get an incredible father. God blessed me with a great friend.

    Happy Father’s Day to my guy @bishopjakes