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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : Unlock Your Limitations

Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : Unlock Your Limitations

    Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon Unlock Your Limitations :  Here is another inspiring and encouraging message by teh Founder of Potter’s House Church and TD Jakes Ministries, Bishop TD Jakes titled ”Unlock Your Limitations”.

    This is one of the sermons by Bishop TD Jakes filled with life changing lessons and words of encouragement that you would love to listen to.

    Preaching on this sermon, Bishop TD Jakes said, Is your limited belief system keeping you in the same place? We often ask God to bless us with more while at the same time feeling unable to let go of our unbelief. Like Simon on the brink of giving up in Luke 5, we learn faith and a faulty mindset cannot sit in the same boat. When we lack the courage to push past our limitations, we continue to live on the level of what we believe. If you thought it was too late for you, grab your nets —God is calling you to launch into the deep!

    Kindly watch/listen, meditate on , learn from this Bishop TD Jakes Sermon ”Unlock your limitation”and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart, grant you all your heart desires and give you the grace to live in accordance with his words.

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    Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes Christmas Sermon ”Unlock Your Limitations”

    Video Credit : Bishop TD Jakes Youtube