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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : They Don’t See The Ashes

Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : They Don’t See The Ashes

    Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon They Don’t See The Ashes : The Founder of Potter’s House Church and TD Jakes Ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes has come through with this inspiring and insightful message titled ”They don’t see the ashes”

    This is a unique and educative sermon by Bishop T.D Jakes that you would really benefit a lot listening to.

    Preaching on this sermon, Bishop T.D Jakes said, Many will celebrate your accomplishments yet pay little attention to what got you there.

    The accolades are nice, but they don’t see the ashes! It’s the chapter in your story that rarely gets told, but plays an integral part in God’s plan.

    It’s where He uses the mistakes of your past as the birthing place for your miracles; where your trials and tribulations lead the way to your triumph, and your failures make provision for your future. When they ask you how you did it, will you share how much was built on the ashes?

    Kindly watch and learn from this amazing sermon by Bishop TD Jakes of Potter’s House Church and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon They don’t see the ashes : 

    Video credit : T.D. Jakes Youtube